Toronto 2024 - Calling For Volunteers

Join our team of dedicated volunteers for Le Dîner en Blanc - Toronto 2024 and be a part of one of the city's most exclusive events! If you’ve ever been curious about what goes on behind the scenes, this is your chance to get involved. 
As a volunteer, you’ll gain free entry to the event, and have the chance to invite a limited number of friends. Volunteers must be available on September 19th, with some roles requiring earlier arrival. Previous year’s volunteers get priority for roles. 
CLICK HERE for more details and to sign-up with your preferred role. A member of our planning team will contact you soon. 
For any questions, email [email protected]
We can’t wait to work with you and make this event unforgettable!


Le Dîner en Blanc - Toronto 2024 Team

Toronto | 2024 Participation Information

02 August 2024

Participation fees start at $58.00 per person

Learn more


31 July 2024

What’s more gourmet than creamy, crumbly cheese? Boursin is it!

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Toronto 2024 - Save the date

26 July 2024

It's official! See you in September. 

Learn more