Thank You Toronto - #DEBTO2016

What a night Toronto! We had an awesome time and hope you did too as 2600 guests decended on the newley opened Canary DistrictSpecial thanks to our hosts Jessica TanJordan Fogle and Rob Drynan, and our dedicated team who make this event a reality for thousands - Cait Brenchley(producer), Susan Fine (guest experience), Erin Thomson (sponsorship), Gabrielle Totesau (pr & social), Lindsay White (venue & transportation). Our night was made even better because of our wonderful sponsors Nordstrom Toronto Eaton CentreMetro Ontario and evian; and partners in food and wine, Moez Kassam (chief food officer), Franco from Charlie BurgerThe Food Dudes team. Of course a big round of applause for the whole crew at The Mint Agency and our volunteers who made #‎DEBTO2016‬ the best yet!

Toronto | 2024 Participation Information

02 August 2024

Participation fees start at $58.00 per person

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Toronto 2024 - Calling For Volunteers

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Join our team of dedicated volunteers for Le Dîner en Blanc - Toronto 2024

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What’s more gourmet than creamy, crumbly cheese? Boursin is it!

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Toronto 2024 - Save the date

26 July 2024

It's official! See you in September. 

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