Frequently Asked Questions!

When is this year’s event taking place? 

The date of the event is WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7th. 


How long will the event run? 

Timing varies slightly year by year and you’ll always want to confirm your exact meeting time with your group leader. But in general the timeline is as follows: Guests meet at their meeting point at 5:30 pm. The transit period to the secret location is between 5:45-6: 45 pm. The event typically begins at 7 pm and wraps up by 11 pm. For those who want to keep the night going, there’s typically an after-party. 


What food am I allowed to bring to the event? 

Guests are invited to bring a three-course meal for two of their choosings. Guests can also order prepared meals on the Diner En Blanc e-store.  


What beverages can I bring to the event? 

No outside beverages are allowed on the site due to Ontario Liquor laws and Insurance. Guests can order beverages on the Diner En Blanc e-store. This site is the only way guests can enjoy beverages at the event location.


Do I get to decide where my meeting location is?

Yes, during your registration guests have the option to select a meeting point. This ultimately determines where you will be sitting at the event, so be sure to select the same meeting point as your friends.  


What if the meeting point I want is full? 

Departure locations have a specific amount of spaces. Once that location is full you will have to choose another location to leave from. 


What can I expect as a first-time attendee? 

This event is one of Toronto’s most highly anticipated evenings of the year. First-timers will be directed to a secret location where they will eat, drink and dance the night away. The rest is for the guest to find out!


I have registered, but want to change locations or groups to sit with my friend? 

Each departure location has a specific number of spaces. Guests are free to choose which location they want to depart from. However, once the number of spaces in a location is filled, you will need to select another location. Once you have committed to a location you are not allowed to change.


Will water be available? 

Yes, water will be provided for all of our guests. 


I love Diner en Blanc. How do I get involved? 

The Diner en Blanc committee is always looking for awesome volunteers to help the event run smoothly and successfully. Make sure to stay up to date on all of our social media accounts and watch out for posts regarding volunteer opportunities. If you have previously attended the event an email would have been sent to you will volunteer information. 


Who organizes Diner en Blanc? 

Diner en Blanc Toronto is hosted by two amazing organizers - Jessica Tan and Jordan Fogle.


I attended in the past, why have I not received an invitation? 

Are you an active member? - to be an active member you attended the previous year or registered as absentee to maintain phase 1 status 

Did you attend last year? 

Check your spam

If all three yes, email [email protected]


How do I get sponsored to become a member of Diner en Blanc Toronto? 

In order to get sponsored you need to find someone who is a current and active member, they can sponsor you for a phase 2 invitation during the registration process


How do I sit with my friends? 

In order to sit with your friends, you have to be at the same meeting point and have the same table leader.

Looking for more answers? Check out our FAQ Page!

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